Saturday, December 31, 2011

I’m a Finisher, Even if on African Time

This year is not going out with a bang nor is the New Year coming in with one. I have a few resolutions, though. The first of which is to finish last year’s read through the Bible plan. It was an inspired decision. If my friend Molly with a small bunch of small children could do it, so could I! In January of this year she posted about getting more into her Bible. The reading plan for Shirkers and Slackers sounded oddly encouraging. I was more than half way through the year before I figured out it wasn’t a read through the Bible in a year plan. But I had made some adjustments so I could get through it in a year.

Then moving back from Africa happened. Actually I managed to keep up with it until Afrizo happened. Lots of things came to a halt while I toured the US with them. I did read my Bible during those three months, but sticking to the plan proved too challenging. I’m now quite a bit behind, but since it isn’t designed to finish in a year anyway, there’s grace. I am determined!

Other resolutions: exercising more, learning to quilt, getting a job, and figuring out what to do with my life from here.

Happy New Year!

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